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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Label clouds links

Wanna make your blog interesting? yeah, i've found some interesting widget to put on your blog or website. I call it Labels cloud(most of user call it.. ), look at top right of my blog. So how is it? Nice right? Here i put the script, so you can ask your friends whats new on your blog...

Go to Layout>Edit HTML in your Blogger dashboard,and search for the following line (or similar)(for easy finder press ctrl+f and paste the line below):
<b:section class="'sidebar'" id="'sidebar'" preferred="'yes'">

Immediatly after this line, paste the following section of code:

<b:widget id="'Label99'" locked="'false'" title="'Labels'" type="'Label'">
<b:includable id="'main'">
<b:if cond="'data:title'">
<div class="'widget-content'">
<script src=''

<div id="'flashcontent'">label clouds by <a href="">Arip</a>
<script type="'text/javascript'">
var so = new


"tagcloud", "240", "300", "7", "#ffffff");
// uncomment next line to enable transparency
//so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");
so.addVariable("tcolor", "0x333333");
so.addVariable("mode", "tags");
so.addVariable("distr", "true");
so.addVariable("tspeed", "100");
so.addVariable("tagcloud", "<tags><a
expr:href='data:label.url' style='12'><></></b:loop>");
so.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "always");
<b:include name="'quickedit'/">
</b:widget><b:widget id="'Label99'" locked="'false'" title="'Labels'" type="'Label'">
<b:includable id="'main'">
<b:if cond="'data:title'">
div class="'widget-content'">
<script src="" type="text/javascript">
<div id="'flashcontent'">label clouds by <a href="''">Arip</div>
<script type="'text/javascript'"><br/> var so = new<br /><br />SWFObject("",<br/><br/>"tagcloud", "240", "300", "7", "#ffffff");
// uncomment next line to enable transparency
//so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");
so.addVariable("tcolor", "0x333333");
so.addVariable("mode", "tags");
so.addVariable("distr", "true");
so.addVariable("tspeed", "100");<br /> so.addVariable("tagcloud", "<tags><b:loop values="'data:labels'" var="'label'"><a href="'data:label.url'" style="'12'"><></a></b:loop></tags>");<br /> so.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "always");<br /> so.write("flashcontent");<br /> </script>
<b:include name="'quickedit'/">

You can resize the width and height , change the coloring number above, also the background and text(just insert number without #) of your Label clouds. So goodluck..And if any matter or got problem to do this just leave your comment... i will rescue...

Terima Kasih!

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