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Monday, March 31, 2008

Mac Faq

I have Requested by My buddy to add Mac geeks section...i think its ok to do that, coz i not familiar with Mac...but i have an idea bout Mac...and i love to know that...ok i will fulfill your request Punk!!!

What the different Mac And Apple?

Mac Is a product....(...Other Product like Ipod(mp3 player), OSX(operating system))
Apple is the company..

What the computer product of Apple in Malaysian market?
Desktop-Imac, Imac All in one design like LCD
Laptop-macBook, MacBook Pro,Ibook(Mac Book Pro the most expensive and powerful)

Which Apple computer use Intel Pentium processor(Intel Core Duo and Intel core solo?)
In this generation all use intel processor…Desktop which All in one, New Mac pro, Mac Mini.

For Laptop- Mac book and Mac Book Pro.

Old generation, all use IBM G4 or G5 processor 2 or 3 or 5 time slower rather than Intel Processor, but still ok for Normal use.

That’s mean Mac can installed Windows OS?
Yeah, its can! But That Mac will have both Windows and OSX, must install Bootcamp program First. This recommend for power user not for Normal user!

What is OSX?

It’s a Operating System like Windows XP, Ubuntu Etc….

Example of OSX is Tiger and Leopard, the level is like Vista in windows.

OSX have a Virus Like Windows XP?


Can software in windows XP use in Mac ?

No, except have special version…Like Mozilla Firefox, its have in windows, linux, and Mac Version.

Many software or Game provide for OSX?

Less than Windows xp, if have specific software in windows XP, in Mac its haven’t or late to have. For Game, all have in mac version but it later than Windows.

Related Tags:Mac OS FAQ, OSX, Apple

Monday, March 24, 2008

Free game, Java Game, Flash game..

This is link for download small game application, usually this type of game build use Java and flash. I not a gamers actually and this type of game not for gamers...coz of that this blog not review about Pc games...heehehehe....but long time ago i had ever a gamers.....but not hardcore feel free to try out all these link..

Related Tags: Freeware game, Download Game, Game software, free game

Monday, March 17, 2008

View online Webcam!!

web cam
This is some ol'skool sh*t....I found this "trick" in my computer....i still save it in notepad...i think before i forgot it or throw away better i put it in my my honor reader can use it...this is a knowledge isn't it?? and this is not a hack...just we play with google search string, we play with keyword..if you creative you can get better result....just spend time on it...The web cam is not a private which y'all desire to get, but this is a online public/company just play with it!!

The step: Just place one of the string given to google search engine....

*inurl:indexFrame.shtml Axis
*inurl:"ViewerFrame?Mode="SNC-RZ30 HOME

then Hit Enter....
Since you get the result, just try the link given...

...K peace out!

Related Tag: Web Cam, Private cam, web cam hack

Thursday, March 13, 2008

AMD Releases 780G chipset

AMD 780G Chipset
AMD 780G Chipset
AMD 780G Chipset
AMD announces the 780G chipset, designed to PCs that provide users with full HD and best-in-class 3D graphics performance and it is indicated for power-efficient computing to help lower energy costs. Manufacturer also claims that gamers will appreciate the detail-rich images and dynamic interactivity when playing the latest DirectX 10 games.

Additionally, ATI Hybrid Graphics Technology is achieved by utilizing AMD’s new integrated chipset, the 780G and one of the ATI Radeon GPUs.

The new chipset will be available from more than 40 AMD partners at launch and AMD 780 Series-based PCs are expected in stores starting in Q2 2008.

* i hear that Mobo can simply compatible with Windows Vista just use it built in Graphic card!

Related Tag: New Motherboard, AMD 780 G, Gigabyte Motherboard

The Best Gaming Graphics Cards for the Money: March 2008

February has been a great month for graphics card buyers: prices have been dropping hard across the board. A possible reason for this is the introduction of Nvidia's new 9600 GT.

The new Geforce 9600 GT 512MB offers performance just below that of the 8800 GT - and on par with the Radeon 3870 - for the exceptionally low price of ~$180. ATI has responded to this threat by lowering Radeon 3870 prices to the same range; indeed, the entire Geforce and Radeon lines seem to have been lowered in what looks to be a bit of a price war. The end result can only be good news for consumers, as it is now possible to buy a graphics card capable of real-world 1920x1200 gaming for less than $200!(kalo RM Berapa la nih!!!!)

This price shift makes it difficult to recommend the $450 dual-GPU Radeon 3870 X2 anymore. Two full-fledged Radeon 3870 cards can be bought and placed in a Crossfire configuration for almost $100 less!

Other than price changes, a notable change has been the availability of the AGP Radeon 3850 card in the $215 range. In the near future, Tom's Hardware will be reviewing graphics cards for one last AGP hurrah, to see if this card can deliver the performance we expect from it on the AGP bus.

The Best Gaming Graphics Cards for the Money

A few simple guidelines to keep in mind when reading this list:

  • This list is for gamers who want to get the most for their money. If you don't play games, the graphics cards in this list are more expensive than you need.
  • Prices and availability changes on a daily basis. We can't offer up-to-the-minute accurate pricing info, but we can list some good graphics cards that you probably won't regret buying at the price ranges we suggest.
  • The list is based on some of the best U.S. prices from online retailers. In other countries or if buying retail, your mileage will most certainly vary.
  • These are new graphics card prices. No used or open box cards are in the list; they might be a good deal, but that's outside the scope of what we're trying to do.

Related tag: Graphic Cards, Geforce 9600 GT, Nvidia Geforce.
source:Toms Hardware

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Virus Romeo a.k.a ILLS [CIXENT]

Have u know about this virus?? yeah, computer user in Malaysia must

know this sh*t(i heard Malaysian created it )..coz this is the new threat to Malaysian pc user....i had infect in my laptop and my office pc, but my laptop still not infected badly coz all the hidden and extension file shown in my window explorer....i'm not hide when i get threat by this suspicious file i just delete it.....But in my office pc, all the important windows feature has disable, such as control panel, regedit, your system tray, task manager, command prompt.....hahahhaha.....That motherf*cker was cool ha..... Then, have icon number "51" at system tray...that is mirc stuff, but i don't really know what it do.....coz i never use mirc before.... Here i list the file which is created by Romeo Virus


and will change your C drive name to:

(C:) jadi RoMeO A.K.A ILLS [CIXENT]

RoMeO A.K.A ILLS [CIXENT] or CIXENT Corp [CIXENT.V3.Force.LovePart.Small.vb] will display a popup title:

Jeng!!!Jeng!!!Jeng!!!Jeng!!!Jeng!!!Jeng!!!Jeng!!! x100 words( at start up..)

so to handle this you can use your antivirus which know have a definition for this virus(such as Kaspersky, Avira, etc) or you can use this software where i get from forum. So try this!!

Download Virus guard!

(Sorry for broken link before!!, here i put the software again! Copy this link and paste at address bar and go.)

p/s:i prefer do it manually, hehehe....i want experience user to give they comment....i'll waiting, and if anyone need the manual solution, let me know.....
*This software also can use for enable some windows feature which not cause by virus, eg: task manager, regedit..etc

Related Tags: Romeo Virus, Cipaplu.exe, butuhlu.exe, enable control panel, enable task manager, malaysia Virus.

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